A Second Chance With My Billionaire Love - Chapter 2061

Chapter 2061


Her assistant’s cheeks reddened, and she quickly made her exit. Mark chuckled.

“What’s on your mind? Did you think I was just coming for that? Honestly, with all the mergers I’m handling, even if you were up for it, I’d be out of steam.”

With a hint of playfulness, she teased, “Maybe it’s just age catching up to you.”

He countered, “Oh, Cecilia, we could always see about that.”

“Challenge accepted.”

Feeling uplifted, Cecilia scanned Yarmose hotels, securing a suite in a plush one. She jotted down some essentials, texting them to her housekeeper, emphasizing the importance of packing everything. After all, the kids were coming.

Later, on set, Simon greeted her, not missing a beat, “You seem… brighter. Someone special visiting?”

With a subtle smile, Cecilia gave nothing away.

Simon’s probing got him nowhere.

Elaine, observing the exchange, couldn’t help the sour twist of her lips.

Recently, Mark and Cecilia seemed closer than ever. Elaine didn’t need to pry into details; Cecilia’s glowing demeanor said it all, she got that after-sex glow about her.

Elaine was taken aback by Mark’s vitality despite his age.

Angela’s Library

There was a general belief that as men aged, they Lost some of their… vigor. So, what kept their relationship so vibrant?

Elaine was filled with envy and Longing.

Though she’d connected with someone after parting ways with Chandler, she hadn’t been intimate with anyone for quite some time.

Occasionally, her thoughts would wander to Mark during the night, and such fantasies stirred deep emotions within her.

On the set, the dynamics between Cecilia and Elaine were evident.

While Elaine had formal training, Cecilia never felt inferior. True growth, Cecilia believed, came from challenging oneself against the best, not by comparing oneself to those lagging behind.

After a series of scenes, Cecilia retreated to her van to relax.

She hadn’t anticipated Mark’s surprise for the evening; he’d flown the children to Yarmose. She was relieved the hotel she’d chosen wasn’t crowded; it allowed for Last-minute accommodations.

Arriving at the airport, Cecilia waited with anticipation.

It wasn’t long before Mark emerged, one child in his embrace and the other holding his hand.

Two familiar staff members, who often assisted Cecilia taking care of her kids, trailed behind with the Luggage.

Edwin greeted his mother with a modicum of restraint, while Olivia, unrestrained in her joy, lunged into Cecilia’s arms, showering her with drooly kisses.

